Monday, January 25, 2010

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re:

I am jealous
Of the atmosphere that surrounds you
Because it's constantly touching you
At all times
It feels your breath
It embraces your whole body
It watches you every single god damned second
It's been with you for as long as you've been alive
It sleeps with you
It wakes up with you
It watches you eat
It goes everywhere with you
I want to be your atmosphere
Because I fucking hate that guy
I want to stick things in his face
I want to beat your atmosphere
And replace it
I wish God existed
So I could punch him in the face
For keeping us apart
He is a douche
Or would be
But that atmosphere guy
He's a douche
I'm going to go masturbate
It's my birthday

I Am Going To Fist Your Face

I was thinking about
And how much I
Trust you
And wondered how much you
Trust me
I don't know what to think
I want you to
Trust me
But I'm not going to force you
Because forcing things
On others is
Fucked up
But I
Trust you
And I want to hold you
Before I die
In the
Which I don't think will come in
In 1020
When time starts getting fucked up
And it turns 1020
Right after 2013
And shit will melt
I want to be holding you
When we melt
In 1020
March 3rd
I will be holding you
And telling you how much I've loved being with you
And we can be drinking energy drinks
Which is really

Better Dane

My mind is inestimable
I am ensnared in a catatonic state
I wish I could be inebriated on


Forget me
I'm not going to change your life
I can eat lunch with you for only so many more days out of the next year or so
Getting mad at me can easily be turned around
So just get yourself an iced coffee in the morning
Or a flatbread after school
To the questionable dismay
Of the different social groups that we try to dismiss ourselves from
Because that flatbread tastes amazing
But smells like shit
And that can be some sort of poetic metaphor or proverb
But it isn't yet
And I don't want the world to leave it to me
So I'm not going to get any further into this


We can fly
If we think we can fly
We'll be rubbing up against the ground
And we can only move as if we were moving on the ground
And our altitude and distance coverage are the same as if we were moving on the ground
If we say we are flying
We can fly

"Goodnight, I love you, I need you" Is a title that could be used for this

It's moments like these
When I jump to conclusions
And fear for the worst
I am convinced that you are hurt
I am convinced that you are crying
Although you're probably just asleep
Now I feel like an asshole
When I fall asleep
And make you feel alone
Like it makes me feel
We aren't different
We aren't human
We are a still-nameless species
What are we?
I hope we still breathe oxygen
Because we are stuck on Earth
Unable to return from wherever we spawned

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stupid Thing Written In The Book Given To Me By A Great Man I Once Knew Who Killed Himself And Made Me Sad

I am afraid
I am afraid of you dying
I am afraid of you forgetting me
I am afraid of you getting hurt
I am afraid of you getting raped
I am afraid of you joining a cult where you think that you are enlightening yourself but you will only be having a 2-day orgy and killing yourself at the end of the month
I am afraid of myself
I am afraid of my thoughts
I am afraid of hurting myself
I am afraid of dying
I am afraid of losing you
I am afraid of hurting you
I am afraid of being traumatized and losing emotion and not caring about you
I am afraid of never doing something like living in a car for 3 weeks off of McDonalds and iced coffee
I am afraid of people
I am afraid of what they think
I am afraid of how they look
I am afraid of what they say
I am afraid of the world
I am afraid

Sometimes I Don't Give Titles Because I'm Just Fucking Lazy So I Write Something Like This To Sound 'Hilarious'

Educational programming is terrible
It’s more boring than actual education
And that’s just sad
I don’t enjoy watching surgeries
Or meerkats(?) eating bugs
Or the Hadron collider
Or space
Space is vast
But cold and boring
Nobody hangs out in space
Because there are no movie theaters
And without movie theaters
There’s no parking lots next to movie theaters
Therefore, nobody can hang out
Because that is the only real way I see people hanging out anymore
I hate them
I wish they were in space
So I wouldn’t have to see them anymore

Untitled 1/18/10

I’ve broken many hearts
But I’ll be delicate with yours
Though it’s deteriorating on its own
I will mend and improve every piece
Because I know how to handle the right tools
Just don’t look at the wall
I’m terrible at fixing walls
Thank god you’re not a wall

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ouch Don't Spray That In My Eyes It Isn't Supposed To Be Sprayed On Eyes Because It Is Bug Spray And It Is Winter Also

I am not alone all the time
I agree
But feeling is more than seeing
Or something smart sounding
Artistic bullshit
Like that
I don't know
I am lonely
And your texts make me feel less lonely
But you aren't here
Or I'm not there
I want to be there
So we won't be lonely
I'll be there for you
You can be there for me
That's all cool shit
And cool shit isn't cold fecal matter
It feels good
And I want to pet your head
Because you like head petting
At least, that's what they say
Okay, no, it's what you say
And I trust you
But right now
I am alone
And tomorrow
I'll be alone
And then I can come home and be alone
Then I'm going to look at laptop quotes
Then I come back home
And be alone
Then I go see the psychiatrist
And tell her about how I feel alone
And want to be with you
And have hurt myself
And think about weird shit
And write terrible stuff like this
Then I'll come back home
And be alone
And talk to you
And go to sleep
And in my sleep
I'll be alone
I'll try not to sleep
So I won't be as alone
And can talk to you
But I don't want you to be tired when you walk into hell again in the morning

In Response To Responses To Responses To Responses

Dear you know who,
I love you
That rhymed
And I hate rhyming poetry
Let me start this over
Too casual
But I don't have to be perfect for you
You love me
But I wish I was perfect for you
Just like you always say
You wish you were perfect for me
But you know you're perfect
I tell you all the time
You're perfect
Let's try being "literary experts" and use a synonym
You are ...
Okay, fuck that
I can't think of any synonyms
Right now
But you are perfect
And you are everything I need
You're not ugly
You're beautiful
And cute
I consider them two different things
Not on one level of looks
But on two separate meters
Like temperature and wind speed
Or some crazy shit no one cares about like that
But these meters are pretty important to most
So you are cute and you are beautiful
I said that already
You don't need to change for me
If you change, I will be sad
But I will always accept you
And I'm already sad
I don't even know what that might come off to you as
But I mean that you shouldn't change for me or anyone
Because you know that nobody is worth anything
Everyone is fucked
We're fucked
But we're fucked different
And we're fucked different than the fucks that are fucked "different"
I hate them
I hate this
But I love you
I want to be in your house
All the time
Not in mine
Mine sucks
Mine's dirty
I haven't taken care of my room since I got depressed
But I don't care what your room looks like
You're in it all the time
That makes it illuminate
With something awesome
Awesome baby blood
And I want to cook you ramen
When you are sick
And feed it to you
And pet your head
And kiss you
Because I'll kiss you when you're sick
I don't care if you get me sick
I'm sharing it with you
I'd share AIDS with you
But don't get AIDS'
I hear it sucks
Like this situation sucks
The situation
And also
I want to change my pillow into you
Maybe when I go to your house
I'll bring you my pillow
And give it to you
Because it's almost you
It has dried blood stains on it
They are brown
I don't know why they are brown
But they are
And it'll be another gift to you
I don't need anything from you
Just yourself
And your love
And I want to hear you talk
All the time
I don't care about what
Hell, scold me about something
I like listening to words from people like you
Which are only you
Because you're the only you
And the only you is you
Who I love
With love,
Or sincerely,
But sincerely sounds retarded
I love you

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why You And I Are Not The Same Bear

Sometimes you tell me to go outside,
"Get some fresh air."
That's alright.
Sometimes you might tell me to go hang
Out with my friends,
"Experience life."
And that's fine, too.
But all I really want to do is bleed
Profusely from my ears and roll around,
On a supermarket floor.
When paramedics arrive, I'll get up,
Greet them,
And brush myself off while walking
Away and drinking something pseudo-classy
Like a "frappachino."
That's life.

The Brief History of a Boring Pessimist As Dictated By a Pessimistic Bore

Anyone who knows anything about what I write
Would think that this would start with
Some deep metaphor or a depressing
Well, here it is, close enough to the
Beginning to only make you SOMEWHAT
Life sucks.
I need you.
I want to know what love is.
I don't wear home-knit sweaters from
My grandma anymore because she
Doesn't knit them anymore and that
I found who I want to spend the rest of my life with and I'm
Only 17 so you probably think I
Truth is, I've only had sex a couple
Times with one girl and three handjobs
No biggie (and I'm not talking about
My dick).
Having a scary obsession with
A girl I've known for three years
Only over the internet is.
That sounds like a joke,
I'm sorry,
It's not.
I don't think I have friends
I think I have "acquaintances."
But, at least they eat lunch at
McDonald's with me
And walk with me to THEIR
Girlfriend's house,
Or something.
But, I digress,
Like a terrible song,
I want to think everyone is stupid
With that girl.
Then we can makeout
And sleep in the afternoon again.

I think I am


A page of two-lined things I wrote out of random one night

When masturbation gets old
Life becomes bullshit

Still fucked
Still sad

I am negative
I don't want to be positive

I wish I was strong
Then I could punch everyone

If I was retarded
I could be happy

I'll be a mailman
I won't deliver important letters

I envy the person who
Only worries about the weather

I'm fucking pretentious
Everything needs to be art

Life is boring
Dreams are disappointing

If I had $1,000,000
I'd put it in a closet and forget about it

I just ate a pretzel
It's scratching my throat

The holidays aren't about good will
They're just days

I hate life
Ame I taking it for granted?

Sex is overrated
I need more

I pick at anything until it bleeds
Then I scold myself

All women are whores
All men want to fuck

I like writing
I don't like rules

I can't see
I'm blind

I need academics to be important
I don't want to be important

Bullets probably hurt
I want to get shot someday

Phone Calls Every Week At 12

I don't want to count any more days
Because as many as I've counted
I've built the bridge to your window
The only bridge I could never walk
For the fear of what's really at the end
I told you my dreams and that could mean losing them all
With my happiness, but all of my dreams are with you.
And all of my dreams are of you.
I stare at your picture every day
Wishing I was powerful, wishing I was creative,
Withing I was older to sound perverted but
At least I could drive to you
And leave this sunset behind
Because it sparks no emotions
And there's no one to watch it with.
It's just the sun, after all,
But I think you could manipulate that for me.
Make it something brutally honest.
In return, I can pet your head to sleep
Instead of what's in your head,
Trying to kill you. Trying to scratch your hands
Past their usefulness; to protect me like you wish
You could.


She's hiding herself, she's beautiful, but she's hiding herself.
She's waiting for the worse possible moment
To show herself
And she yells at me. She tells me I'm fucking
Up. She stabs at my head with an ice pick.
That's if her voice isn't shrill enough.
She's a siren of noise, existing to give me
Headaches and make me scratch my hands up
Until they get raw and numb.
And the more I hate her, the more I love her.
She puts me to sleep, petting my head,
She's beautiful. She is me, in my head, but she
Exists. It's a ploy, tomorrow she'll tell me
Everyone is against me, read between the lines,
Hate yourself, failure. I trust her because
She forces me to. I need her, I lover her,
I want to die, she can kill me.
But she's hiding. She wants to scare me.
She's hiding. I hear her. She will find me.
She's fucking coming and I don't want her to
But she's coming and I'm going to scratch
My hands up again.

Bad Anal In Poem Form: It's Bad, It Hurts, It's Messy, No Love

If I could fill my head with a
Clusterfuck of ping pong balls
Each containing a fortune
Until my head exploded
In a crowded place
I would.
Not for the thrill to myself for the
Most creative suicide in history
But the thrill to everyone in said crowd
For witnessing a suicide at all.
It must be pretty traumatic.
I think that would be hilarious.

I don't understand why
If a girl wears pants it's normal
But if a guy wears a skirt it's not.
Maybe it's not worth understanding.
I don't understand a lot.

Making mixtapes of moderately
Popular indie bands for a girl is
My kind of 90's romance.
Too bad nobody has a tape player,
Especially not any girls.

2 Other Pieces of Shit On The Next Page

I stare into a pool of flesh and blood
Of beauty. Of life.
Unnoticed. I'm invisible.
I feel perverted
But what are my intentions?
I have none
So who's wrong?

There's no feeling in admiration
There's no incentive for pursuing a pointless target
Methods are useless
Words can't sway as well as the wind
Because everything comes back at once
And crushes some sort of dream or vision
Physical touch and emotional pain are the only memories

2 Pieces of Shit on One Page Together

There's a rock. Somehow it's alive. So it's like it's not a rock but really it is. This rock has problems. It knows it has problems. The problems is that it only knows what less than half of these problems are. It has a problem with all of its problems. It's also going crazy. This rock isn't a rock. Quantum mechanics. I wish I could ripple spacetime. Shit would be fucked. Just like all of us.

I'm the moon, I'm lonely
I pulled in the tide
But it got no closer to me
And the sand looked lonely
So I let it go again


I never promised I'd tell you everything
Still we write what we feel, but you keep telling me every little shadow that breaks the sunlight for you.
I don't call that a problem, call it a benefit,
It's hot out so lat there; the dark is so cold and you're already wearing a jacket.
You have nothing to do but worry and worry you do,
Feeding that blood to the animal we don't even want here as far as I know.
But some carry their breath for us and call it a home.
Without it, there's nothing.
I never promised I'd hurt you and say the words that don't exist
Just inside my head, but you keep saying "wake up, wake up"
All I've got to look forward to is dreams
I am still sleeping.
Maybe if I could leave everyone behind,
I would.
No regrets losing what we had.
I could force myself to be happy
But dealing with that numbness shouldn't exist in love.
So I'll crack open your sky and leave you alone.
You never needed me to make it clear outside.
It's always raining.


I will be posting poetry etc.